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Sunday, 25 September 2016

Select the option that is most nearly OPPOSITE in meaning to the given word :

  • Like poverty, affluence can sometimes create its own problems. (OPPOSITE) 

Op 1: indigence
Op 2: opulence
Op 3: sorrow
Op 4: exuberance

Option: 1 (indigence)

Explanation: (Synonym) the state of having a great deal of money; wealth

  • I abhor the ideas he sometimes expresses. (OPPOSITE) 

Op 1: admire
Op 2: respect
Op 3: applaud
Op 4: appreciate

Option: 1 (admire)

Explanation: (Synonym) regard with disgust and hatred.

  • The members thought that the task was feasible. (OPPOSITE) 

Op 1: impossible
Op 2: impractical
Op 3: difficult
Op 4: impracticable

Option: 2 (impractical)

Explanation: (Synonym) possible to do easily or conveniently.

  • They had an insipid conversation. (OPPOSITE) 

Op 1: lively
Op 2: argumentative
Op 3: loud
Op 4: curious

Option: 1 (lively)

Explanation: (Synonym) lacking flavor.

  • Ram displays enthusiasm whenever he is posed with a problem. (OPPOSITE) 

Op 1: eagerness
Op 2: weakness
Op 3: indifference
Op 4: softness

Option: 3 (indifference)

Explanation: (Synonym) intense and eager enjoyment, interest, or approval.

  • The incessant noise of the boring machine made it difficult for us to go to sleep at night. (OPPOSITE) 

Op 1: intermittent
Op 2: harsh
Op 3: soft
Op 4: constant

Option: 1 (intermittent)

Explanation: (Synonym) (of something regarded as unpleasant) continuing without pause or interruption.

  • The leader was pragmatic in her approach to the problem facing the country. (OPPOSITE) 

Op 1: indefinite
Op 2: vague
Op 3: idealistic
Op 4: optimistic


Option: 3 (idealistic)

Explanation: (Synonym) having or showing too great a readiness to believe things.

  • She used to disparage her neighbour every now and then. (OPPOSITE) 

Op 1: please
Op 2: praise
Op 3: belittle
Op 4: denigrate

Option: 2 (praise)

Explanation: (Synonym) regard or represent as being of little worth.

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